The comparison of content and dynamic parameters of personal value-meaning systems of Kazakh and Russian undergraduates (n=88) has revealed some cultural differences among them. The content of value-meaning sphere of the Russian and Kazakh undergraduates are similar, while the dynamic aspect of this one reveal more differences in the both samples. Content specifics demonstrate differences only in the ranking of such values as love and interesting job within the general hierarchy of personal values. Dynamic specifics, in their turn, reveal themselves in a difference of perception of the attainability of values as well as in the level of realisability of values. The Kazakhs are more pronounced existential installation realisability values, thus the meaning type of values did not reveal significant differences. The fullness of life meaning is higher in the Russian sample. The research results are useful to create educational trajectories of undergraduates in poly-cultural educational space.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 221-230
Publication date: 10 Apr 2016
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