The aim of this article is to develop a methodology of the content selection for formation of technological culture among students based on the ethnoaesthetics and the disclosure of its values. The leading idea of the study is the methods of formation of a scientific picture of the world among students, involving the development of ideas in their consciousness of the unity of the subject-spiritual and scientific-technological world, sustainable worldview, ethnoaesthetical worldview, ethnoaesthetical consciousness, etc. In the article there is the methodological tools of the “humanized” content selection of technological, ethnoaesthetical, and professional nature; principles of the content selection are defined; ethnoaesthetical context of the system of approaches to the content selection is justified; methods of the content selection are selected; systems’ priority in the content selection is planned; and levels and criteria of the content selection are identified, the results of implementing of this methodology are shown.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 211-219
Publication date: 10 Apr 2016
Article Views: 3193
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