The purpose of this study was to investigate different factors (grade level, gender, and ethnicity) that might affect the attitudes and learning environment perceptions of high school mathematics students in Los Angeles County, California, USA. The study involved the administration of the administration of the What Is Happening In This Class? (WIHIC) questionnaire and an attitude questionnaire based on the Test of Mathematics-Related Attitude (TOMRA) to 600 Grades 9 and 10 mathematics students in 30 classes in one high school. Quantitative research method was used in collecting information from the sample. The quantitative data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and MANOVA. The results showed that male consistently reported slightly more positive perceptions of classroom environment and attitudes than did females. Anglo students’ scores consistently are a little higher than Hispanic students’ scores. There is strong evidence of associations between students’ attitudes and the learning environment.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2008, 47-59
Publication date: 04 Apr 2008
Article Views: 4543
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