The Content of Pedagogical Support of Students’ Social Adaptation
Irina A. Nigmatullin, Galina I. Simonova, Elena Agathangelou
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In today's world the development of pedagogical science is influenced by a number of global trends, one of which is the dynamism of social processes. The relevance of understanding the problem of social adaptation of pedagogical support of students is determined by processes that occur in modern society. The purpose of the article is to determine the content of pedagogical support of students’ social adaptation. The leading method is the method of unfinished sentences, allowing to define a set of personal qualities, knowledge, skills and values, the formation of which in the course of purposeful activity of teachers, ensure successful social adaptation of students. An analysis of empirical data allowed to identify features of the implementation of pedagogical support of social adaptation of students in various fields of social adaptation (society, family, educational organizations, including informal communication, the sphere of personal adaptation). For each field there was identified a set of knowledge, life values, skills and social roles, the formation of which should be motivated by teachers in the course of carrying out their support. The findings of the article will enable practical education staff to carry out pedagogical support of social adaptation of students purposefully and systematically.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 243-254

Publication date: 10 Apr 2016

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