This article is aimed at revealing similarities and distinctions of the native, Russian and foreign languages in the natural multilingual social medium. The main idea in the research of this problem is realization of the problem-project approach to foreign-language education, principles of which a) determine mutual relations between a teacher and a pupil; b) specify content and structure of teaching material; c) optimize the foreign-language education process organization technology. The article presents the comparable and comparative collation of the native, Russian and English languages, cultures and similar language phenomena to be learned by carrying out of problem-solving and product-oriented tasks at linguistic, speech and spiritual-cognitive levels. This contributes to the development of metacompetences of pupils, expands their linguistic horizons and creates a stable basis for the development of linguistic, speech and sociocultural components of communicative competence.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 255-262
Publication date: 10 Apr 2016
Article Views: 3485
Article Downloads: 2676
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