Humanistic Educational Technologies of Teaching Foreign Languages
Aliya A. Shakirova, Roza A. Valeeva
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The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the fact that under the circumstances of educational priorities change the humanistic values become fundamental. That’s why forming students` abilities in their self-productive activity is becoming actual. The problem is also important in choosing pedagogical technologies of teaching foreign languages, because there is a high priority of using humanistic technologies over the using of authoritarian ones. The aim of the article is to reveal and characterize the efficient humanistic educational technologies of teaching foreign languages. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main objectives and results of using humanistic educational technologies in teaching foreign languages in Russia and abroad and to substantiate the efficiency of its using. The article deals with the characteristics of foreign language teaching process humanization. The authors give the characteristics of educational technology and its classification in the Russian researches. The article reveals the principles and approaches to humanization of teaching foreign languages, as well as some humanistic educational technologies of teaching foreign languages (immersion in the language and gaming). Special attention is paid to peculiarities of using humanization approach in the immersion method. The article reviews the immersion method; formulates its principles; structures the stages of its; grounds the advantage of using the method of immersion and defines the characteristics of using of this method in the Republic of South Korea, Daegu, in the “Daegu Keongbuk English Village”. The results of the research will be useful for the foreign language teachers to ensure the humanization of educational process in the educational institutions.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 151-164

Publication date: 10 Apr 2016

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