Automation of Dean’s Office Functions in a Higher Education Institution on the Basis of Electronic Document Flow System
Ilnar F. Yarullin, Svetlana M. Mumryayeva, Olga N. Shalina, Vladimir I. Safonov, Vera K. Omarova
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The article contains the description of automation function technologies realized in the work of a dean's office. The main functions realized by a dean's office in the course of its activity are shown in the article; the main functions realization in the system of electronic document flow "1C University" is presented. The application of electronic document flow systems promotes the improvement of quality and efficiency of a dean's office work due to the decrease in time spent on the processes of collecting, processing and obtaining required information; allows to carry out dean's office functions at a more technological level, simplifying the procedure of processing the data used in the course of educational process, automating the formation and preparation of necessary documents (test and examination papers, certificates of training, orders, etc.) for printing.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 133-149

Publication date: 10 Apr 2016

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