Elementary mathematics teacher education programs in Greece, Romania, and Spain
Álvaro Nolla 1 * , Roberto Muñoz 2 , Alexandru Iosif 3 , Lamprini Ananiadi 4
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1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SPAIN2 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN3 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, SPAIN4 Mathemagica: Institut für Nachhilfe, Wernigerode, GERMANY* Corresponding Author


As a contribution to the discussion of how to improve the initial teacher training in mathematics of elementary teachers, this work presents a descriptive and comparative study of the courses devoted to mathematics and mathematics education in the education degrees of Greek, Romanian, and Spanish universities. Considering the constrains of each national law and within the Mathematics Teacher’s Specialized Knowledge model framework, we analyze the official descriptions of such courses to organize them by their content, to describe their distribution along each degree, and to study the optional and specialization courses in mathematics offered by each university. Data are compared among countries, and across programs within each country, with the aim of including similar studies from other states. Moreover, they are confronted with the National Council on Teacher Quality standards for the mathematics preparation of elementary teachers, showing that, in general lines, GRS data seem not to be in tune with such standards.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 19, Issue 4, November 2024, Article No: em0789


Publication date: 01 Oct 2024

Online publication date: 04 Sep 2024

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