Keyword: Teacher Educator

4 articles found.

Research Article

Connections Identified by Teacher Educators Between the Mathematics They Teach and the Mathematics Their Students Will Teach in the Future

Guillermo de los Ángeles, Cristina Ochoviet, Verónica Molfino

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 17, Issue 1, February 2022, Article No: em0668

Research Article

Careful Co-Planning for Effective Team Teaching in Mathematics

Alison S Marzocchi, Bridget K Druken, Michelle V Brye

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 16, Issue 3, October 2021, Article No: em0663

Research Article

Teacher Educator-Embedded Professional Learning Model

Scott A. Courtney

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 13, Issue 3, October 2018, 103-123