Mathematics teacher education is a complex, interdisciplinary enterprise requiring knowledge of teaching and learning as well as knowledge of mathematics. The Education and Training policy of Ethiopia reminds Teacher training institutions to gear their programmes towards the appropriate educational level for which they train teachers. Candidates of an in-service mathematics teacher training program have double identities: school teacher and university student. Yet, there is no vivid standard for Mathematics Teacher Educators in the country. Three basic questions were raised and answered by this study. What are the possible sources of stakeholders’ roles in training mathematics teachers? What would be the roles of mathematics teacher educators? What minimum competencies are expected of mathematics educators? A qualitative content analysis research approach was followed. By analyzing data collected from 25 in-service teachers, consulting official documents and reviewing related literatures, I have developed a framework of standards that illustrates an Educator’s roles, competencies and challenges as composite functions of practicing teachers’ experience and students’ expectation. This work will have impact on the theory of preparing Mathematics Teacher Educators and brings a new model of developing a Mathematics teacher education program.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 3, October 2017, 265-280
Publication date: 18 Jun 2017
Article Views: 3483
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