Differentiated instruction is a promising approach for supporting the diverse needs of students. To support prospective teachers with the challenge of implementing differentiated instruction in their future instruction and to meet their diverse needs as college students, we decided to incorporate differentiated instruction in our mathematics content course for them. The specific objective of this study was then to examine how the prospective elementary teachers experienced differentiated instruction in the mathematics content course, whether it met their varying instructional needs, and how it may impact their future mathematics teaching. Qualitative and quantitative analyses revealed that the prospective teachers found the differentiated instruction supportive of their diverse needs and that they plan to incorporate similar features in their future instruction. However, the prospective teachers' comments did reveal additional aspects about differentiated instruction to learn and strengthen. Suggestions for revising the mathematics content course and enhancing the differentiated instruction are provided along with directions for further research.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 6, Issue 3, October 2011, 134-156
Publication date: 12 Dec 2011
Article Views: 3635
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