The Effects of Strategy and Mathematics Anxiety on Mathematical Creativity of School Students
Yogesh Sharma
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The purpose of the present investigation was to study the effects of strategy, mathematics anxiety and their interaction on mathematical creativity of school students. A total of 111 class IX students participated in the study. Out of which, 59 were taught with the strategy for fostering mathematical creativity developed during the study, and 52 were considered for the control group and continued with the routine mathematics classroom activities. The strategy for fostering mathematical creativity was found to be effective for developing mathematical creativity. However, mathematics anxiety was a crucial factor, as strategy for fostering mathematical creativity was found to be better suited to students with low mathematics anxiety than students with high mathematics anxiety when groups were matched with respect to pre-mathematical creativity. The study calls for the need to provide increased opportunities for students to increase competency in mathematical creativity.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2014, 25-37

Publication date: 02 Feb 2014

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