The Development of Anticipatory Abilities in the Foreign Language Learning
Evgeniya О. Shishova, Marina M. Solobutina, Aygerim K. Mynbaeva
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The objective of the research is to study prognostic abilities in the process of foreign language learning with regard to a multi-level anticipation system. The main method is comparative analysis of anticipation studied at three levels: during actualization of particular words, during cogitative perception of speech, in the conditions of communication. Empirical research results demonstrated the increase of foreign language learning efficiency in the development of prognostic efficiency in the speech activity. Comparative analysis of speech anticipation specific features of students with different levels of foreign language abilities afforded to define how violations of probabilistic anticipation in the speech appear when a statement in a foreign language is generated and they can cause inadequacy of a communicative situation.  Successful foreign language learning requires a high level of prognostic abilities which appears in cause-and-effect relations establishment, flexibility of cogitation, reconstruction and transformation of concepts and planning.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 13-21

Publication date: 21 Apr 2016

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