The Category of Upbringing in Russian and Western Studies
Irina A. Tagunova, Nataliya L. Selivanova, Roza A. Valeeva
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Modern life is constantly creating situations when the rights and value of every individual acquire the dominant role. Many educators understand today that the change in the socio-cultural situation in the country gives rise to the need for such personality traits as autonomy, self-reliance, independence, free will, and active life. This situation causes the change of the whole system of fundamental constants of pedagogy, especially the category of "upbringing". This article considers some aspects of the category “upbringing” and its understanding in the context of different cultures of the Western society. The paper analyses the opportunity and the ways of Western educational categories to be translated and be understandable by Russian researchers and educators. The article points out the special role of the interpreter, the necessity of each translated category immersion into the context of culture, way of thinking, and especially the language of the country where it came from. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main approaches to defining the notion “upbringing” in comparison with the notion “education”. The materials of this article can be useful for the researchers in educational area, for the scholars and students of teachers training institutions in the process of their professional development.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 3-11

Publication date: 21 Apr 2016

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