The purpose of this study was to examine Addis Ababa secondary school mathematics teachers’ attitude in teaching mathematics. 148 mathematics teachers were selected using cluster sampling from Addis Ababa administration region. The study used survey method of data collection and it includes both quantitative and qualitative research methods. From the independent t-test, ANOVA, tukey test and regression analysis, some of the results obtained were: the majority of the secondary school mathematics teachers do not possess positive attitude in teaching mathematics; the most challenge area that affect the attitude in teaching mathematics was motivation in teaching mathematics; no significant differences in all variables with respect to sex and service year; the medium age of mathematics teachers were found to have significantly the most successful in teaching mathematics than young and old mathematics teachers; the master mathematics teachers were found to have significantly the highest and the diploma mathematics teachers were found to have the least attitude, confidence and anxiety of teaching mathematics;the relatively high salary of the mathematics teachers were found to have significantly the highest attitude in teaching mathematics and the average salary of the mathematics teachers were found to have significantly the highest anxiety in teaching mathematics. All the variables sex, age, education, service year and salary of the mathematics teachers were significantly contributing to the equation for predicting mathematics teachers’ attitude and only education was significantly contributing to the equation for predicting mathematics teachers’ attitude in teaching mathematics.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2014, 57-72
Publication date: 10 Apr 2016
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