Professional Self-Affirmation of a Teacher as a Functional Activity System
Lera A. Kamalova, Galina I. Korchagina, Kulzhanat N. Bulatbaeva
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The significance of the issue under study can be explained by the multiple attempts to develop a strategy for teachers’ professional self-affirmation as a holistic systemic formation. The purpose of this paper is to describe the functional system of professional self-affirmation at their component and structure-and-function levels. The leading approach and methodological basis for the study of this problem have been built on systems genetics concept of professional activity, and systems genesis of professional self-affirmation, which allow to describe professional self-affirmation as the dynamic process of developing its components and creating new constituents due to mutual collaboration of components. The experimental part of the study describes the features of teacher self-affirmation system in three aspects: successful implementation, crisis, and dysfunction. On the basis of studies made, psychological characteristics of teachers with different levels of professional self-affirmation functional systems have been determined. Information that the paper deals with may be used in the context of vocational training and further teachers development, as well as contribute to the selection of psychological treatment methods and correction of dysfunctions in professional performance of teachers.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 279-290

Publication date: 10 Apr 2016

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