Mixed Objective-Virtual Reality: Theoretical Analysis of Basic Characteristics of Modern Education
Nadezhda P. Yachina, Guseyn G. Zeynalov, Gulnara Zh. Dyushebekova
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The problem presented in the article is relevant as it is substantiated by the fact that the emergence of mixed reality on the border of objective and virtual realities brings forth the necessity for philosophical comprehension of the phenomenon of new extended educational space, and philosophical-methodological validation of new training techniques development. The objective of the article is to define theoretical bases and methodological principles aimed to create a new model of the educational environment within mixed "objective-virtual reality"; to reveal basic properties of "extended educational space" (spatiotemporal properties, etc.). The leading research methods are methods of modeling and analogy allowing to consider this problem as a purposeful and organized process aimed to improve the educational environment to implement efficiently the process of the modern person education and upbringing. The presented model of the extended educational environment has space – N-dimensional, and time that is reversible, tendency to self-organization and self-development upon the subject (teacher, student or special program) intervention. Such educational environment is not self-sufficient in the absence of one of the factors necessary for its being (special program, technical means, etc.). The article has valuable importance for experts-teachers and young specialists applying information-computer technologies in the educational process.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 271-278


Publication date: 10 Apr 2016

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