In the conditions of change of educational reference points the professional activity and a personal maturity of the teacher, his internal intension directed on self-development and updating of personal potential in professions got a special value. In this regard the main objective of the article consists in implementation of the phenomenological analysis and the model of a professional and personal orientation of the teacher. The article characterizes the model describing the structure, typology, mechanisms of functioning of a professional and personal orientation of the teacher is offered. The Individually-typological features of professional and personal orientation of the teacher are identified. The effective types are defined which corresponding to the functional level of a professional and personal orientation (generative, self-actualization, subjective), and the types needing in the optimization (manipulative and dependent, compensatory, formal and productive, communicative, egocentric, administrative) which belong to pre-functional and dysfunctional levels of the professional and personal orientation. The program of optimization of a professional and personal orientation of the teacher is developed.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 291-301
Publication date: 10 Apr 2016
Article Views: 3480
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