Preservice Teachers Engage in a Project-based Task: Elucidate Mathematical Literacy in a Reformed Teacher Education Program
An Nguyen 1 * , Duyen Nguyen 1, Phuong Ta 2, Toan Tran 2
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1 Department of Mathematics, Hue University of Education, VIETNAM2 Thuan Hoa High School, Hue City, VIETNAM* Corresponding Author


To meet the demand of the incoming school curriculum reform focusing on competency-based learning in Vietnam, this paper reports on an innovation project on developing secondary mathematics preservice teachers’ (PSTs) mathematical literacy and preparing them to teach mathematics contextually. We developed a curriculum and studied the effectiveness of the implementation to a secondary mathematics PST education program that integrates mathematical literacy (ML) in methods courses. The courses offer PSTs opportunities to experience ML as active learners and prepare them to teach ML. In this paper, we discuss the results on a project-based modeling task. The results showed that the PSTs begin to develop an understanding of ML when they engaged with the phases of the modeling cycle at different levels of sophistication. The PSTs did not take advantage of visual representations to support the analysis of the project-based task and to communicate their work. Discussion about the tension between simplifying models and reflecting the real problem and directions for future study are suggested.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2019, 657-666

Publication date: 14 May 2019

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