Teaching and learning of differential equations (DEs) have a prominent role in all the fields of education. In spite of its prominence and frequent applications, teaching and learning of DEs is still considered as one of the most difficult, particularly at pre-university level. This is because, the topic of differential equation along with differentiation and integration is only introduced first time at the 12th year of study or at pre-university level, and the students have no previous knowledge and understandings of this topic. Therefore, the aim of current study is to determine whether teaching and learning of DEs is a challenging task and also, to find out the ways these challenges can be tackled to develop a better understanding for differential equations problem solving. Results showed that teaching and learning of differential equation is not only a difficult part of the mathematics as compared to algebra, trigonometry but also demand high level of conceptual understanding and special efforts for solving differential equation problem. Addition of non-routine problems has been found major factor to enhance teaching and learning. Teacher should also be properly equipped and trained, so that they may educate both routine and non-routine differential equation problem.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2019, 647-656
Publication date: 14 May 2019
Article Views: 3156
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