The study examined the impact of teacher -students’ relationship, student self-efficacy, and student perception on mathematics achievement. The study was a survey, and adopted a structured questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. A total sample of 400 students: 112 males and 298 females were randomly selected from two public senior high schools in the Ashanti region. The data gathered were analyzed statistically using structural equation model. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the influence teacher-student relationship has on mathematics achievement was insignificant whiles students’ self -efficacy and students’ perception had a positive impact on mathematics achievement. The outcome of the analyses recommends that teachers should aid in promoting students’ attitudes toward mathematics as well as promoting their self-efficacy in order to accelerate their mathematics performance.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 17, Issue 3, August 2022, Article No: em0688
Publication date: 28 Apr 2022
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