Increased aggressiveness is one of the most common problems in the children's collective. Different forms of aggressiveness are typical for the majority of primary school pupils. Almost all the children quarrel, fight, call names, say bad things to each other, etc. But learning the rules of conduct children usually change their direct aggression in favor of pro-social behavior. However, some children not only stay aggressive, but develop and make aggressive manifestations a strong personality trait. This in turn reduces the productive potential of children, limits the opportunities of adequate communication and puts their personal development at risk. An aggressive child causes a lot of problems, not only to others but also to him/herself. Studying facts shows that it is among primary school students that most conflicts take place, it is during primary school when antisocial habits are formed and aggressive behavior is manifested. The aim of the study was to develop, justify and experimentally verify the content, forms and methods of managing and preventing aggression in primary school children. The experiment included 40 students aged 7-8 (16 girls and 24 boys) of Maskara Comprehensive Secondary school (Kukmor region of the Republic of Tatarstan). The following leading methods were applied in the study of the problem: theoretical (analysis of psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature, comparison, generalization); empirical (ascertaining, forming and control experiments) and the methods: questionnaire for parents, personality test "Know yourself" and a graphical method "The crocodile". On the basis of the ascertaining experiment there was developed the program "Let's be friends", containing such forms and methods as “game”, “role playing”, “exercise”, “conversation”, “story”. Statistical analysis of the data of the empirical research was carried out by means of standard techniques of mathematical statistics (Student’s t-criterion and G-criteria). On the basis of the results obtained we give recommendations on the organization of special psychological and educational work to prevent and reduce the level of aggression in primary school pupils. Article findings are of practical value to psychologists, class masters and vice principals for educational activity, since the collected and tested materials can be used in the educational process with the children of primary school age in educational institutions.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 921-931
Publication date: 19 Jul 2016
Article Views: 3516
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