Pedagogical Conditions of Using Binary Approach to Optimization of the Control and Diagnostic Functions in the Training of Students
Nadezhda V. Telegina, Elvira G. Galimova
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The purpose of this article is theoretical substantiation and development of pedagogical conditions of using binary approach to the optimization of the control and diagnostic functions in teaching students in "General pedagogy". In order to realize this purpose, the study used a range of complementary theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. The article presents a pedagogical conditions of the binary approach, including: incentives and motivation of interest to teachers and students to the process and the results of control and self-diagnostics and self-test; cost optimization time to implement the control and diagnostic functions; optimal number of control ”points”; the optimal number of the applicability of methods of diagnostics and self-test; the most optimal and self-evaluation General pedagogical competence; clear reasoning on the part of the teacher and a deep understanding by students of the basic criteria of assessment of knowledge and competencies. Study materials are the basis for the development and using the system of test control and self-control of students' knowledge using IKT, as well as packets of control and diagnostic tasks and assignments for students in the discipline "General pedagogy".


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 911-919

Publication date: 19 Jul 2016

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