The rationale involves the fact that electric power industry is able to decrease dependence of Ukraine from foreign oil and gas importing partners; in its turn it will strengthen the economy and will intensify the reputation of the State in the world. Objective of the Study: The objective of the study involves studying of state evaluation and priorities identification of government support for electric power industry development in Ukraine. Methods of the Study: The principal method of this problem study is modeling and applying scenario approach as the method for strategic planning the government support instrument for electric power industry development. Results of the Study: The article involves expert evaluation analysis of current state and priorities of applying government support instruments for stable development of electric power industry in Ukraine. Practical Significance: The scenarios of applying government support instruments for stable development of electric power industry in Ukraine.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 933-945
Publication date: 19 Jul 2016
Article Views: 2660
Article Downloads: 1864
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