Influence of Mental States on Reflexive Processes in Academic Activity
Alexander O. Prokhorov, Albert V. Chernov, Mark G. Yusupov
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The increasing role of mental states in students’ academic activity makes the studied problem relevant. The research of mental states is integrated with the appeal to regulatory mechanisms in which reflexive processes play the leading role. The goal of the present paper is to establish the way mental states influence the realization of reflexive processes in students during their academic activity. Correlation data analysis and subsequent highlighting of structure elements as well as multiple-factor dispersive analysis (ANOVA) are leading methods applied to do the research into this problem. Features of reflection change due to qualitative characteristics of states are shown: modality, content, sign, duration and intensity, and the level of students’ regulatory abilities. The specificity of mental states impact on the course of reflexive processes of recognition, awareness and identification is established. "Leading" (core) structural elements are considered in reflection and mental states integration. The significant role of personality’s regulatory abilities in students’ reflexive processes and mental conditions interaction is revealed. Research results are of certain practical value as they explain the role of mental states in realization of reflexive processes in students’ academic activity.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 705-713

Publication date: 16 Jul 2016

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