Impact of school experiences on the beliefs and instructional practices of future mathematics teachers
Eugenio Chandía Muñoz 1 * , Farzaneh Saadati 2 , Anahi Huencho 3
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1 Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, CHILE2 Universidad de Chile, Santiago, CHILE3 Universidad de Católica de Temuco, Temuco, CHILE* Corresponding Author


This study examines the impact of cumulative experiences and beliefs during the school career on the pedagogical development of future mathematics teachers in Chile. A sample of 252 pedagogy students from 18 higher education institutions participated in the study, completing a questionnaire that focused on instructional paradigms, teaching experiences, and pedagogical practices. The research employed latent class analysis to identify distinct profiles based on the teaching paradigms experienced by the participants. A logistic regression model further corroborated these profiles. The findings indicate a prevalent inclination towards constructivist beliefs and practices among future teachers, which are significantly shaped by their secondary education experiences, often devoid of a constructivist approach. This study emphasizes the critical role of prior educational experiences in shaping professional competencies in teaching mathematics.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 19, Issue 4, November 2024, Article No: em0793

Publication date: 01 Oct 2024

Online publication date: 25 Sep 2024

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