Urgency of an issue addressed in the article is due to the fact that practice-oriented student teaching requires not only mastering of medical manipulations, but psychological readiness for professional activities as well. The aim of the article is to develop a model of psycho-pedagogical training of medical students for effective interaction skills and decision-making. The leading methods of the given problem study are imitation interactive methods, performance and activities of the students themselves with a teacher as a coordinator being the primary source of pedagogical process resources, when these methods are applied. It is shown in the article that application of imitation methods in student teaching are found to contribute to practical skills formation and enhancement in communicative, cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivation spheres at three levels (reproductive, productive and creative ones). The information given in this article may be helpful to the teachers of psycho–pedagogical disciplines, when teaching students to professional decision making as a component of the psychological readiness for professional activities in practice.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 539-548
Publication date: 16 Jul 2016
Article Views: 3607
Article Downloads: 2924
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