Increasing need of the society in people capable to treat any changes creatively and to solve existing problems unconventionally and qualitatively proves the relevance of the paper. Among professional competences the teacher is supposed to master, there has appeared a requirement to develop school students’ project abilities: to single out a problem, to find the way to solve it, to set a goal, to plan the course of its achievement, to analyze obtained result in compliance with the objective and way of its achievement, to see a new problem etc. In this regard, the paper is focused on the formation of project abilities in primary school students. The leading methods to the research of this problem are the following: theoretical - study and analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodical literature on the research problem; empirical – testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment; methods of research results processing (qualitative and quantitative analysis). The paper covers experimental research results on the implementation of the developing program "We Project. We Create. We Study"; positive dynamics in formation of school students’ project abilities has been achieved. Materials from the paper are of practical value for primary school teachers, psychologists and parents of younger school-age children.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 525-537
Publication date: 16 Jul 2016
Article Views: 3313
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