Attitude and Academic Achievement of High School Students in Mathematics Under the Conditional Cash Transfer Program
Emerson Peteros 1, Diosa Columna 2, Jonathan O. Etcuban 1 * , Porferio Almerino, Jr. 1, Jana Gloria Almerino 1
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1 Cebu Technological University, Cebu City, PHILIPPINES2 Mayor Inocencio Mendez High School, Bohol, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author


Students’ accomplishment in mathematics is a component of their home condition, attitudes towards the discipline, and curriculum that clarify varieties in students’ achievement. The study determined the attitudes and academic achievement of students who are recipients of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) towards mathematics in a public national high school, Bohol, Philippines. It utilized the descriptive research to gather data on the achievement and attitude of students towards mathematics. The 112 respondents answered a standardized survey questionnaire, Attitudes toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) constructed, which contains self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation. The gathered data were statistically treated using frequency, simple percentage, and Pearson r. The study revealed that respondents fairly performed in their achievement in math. Also, it found out that the students’ attitudes have a significant relationship with their achievement in mathematics. The study concluded that the students’ attitudes towards mathematics have a more significant impact on affecting their academic achievement. The researchers recommend that teachers should be developed and enhanced the self-confidence of students in mathematics by involving them in class discussions and interactions through facilitating in any means.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2019, 583-597

Publication date: 10 May 2019

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