Assessment for Learning in the Calculus Classroom: A Proactive Approach to Engage Students in Active Learning
Reem Jaafar, Yan Lin
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There is a variety of classroom assessment techniques we can use in the college classroom (Angelo and Cross, 1993). In an effort to diagnose and identify gaps between students’ learning and classroom teaching, we implemented weekly short assessments in a calculus I classroom at an urban community college in the United States. The goals of these assessments were to identify misconceptions, and address them using an appropriate intervention. In this paper, we share these assessments, how they can be used to cement students’ conceptual learning, and how it can help the instructor develop insights into students’ misunderstandings. We also share students’ feedback, challenges and implications for practitioners.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 3, October 2017, 503-520

Publication date: 19 Jul 2017

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