Traditional Folk, Vocal and Professional Songs as the Basis for Development and Modernization of the New Forms of Kazakh Musical Stage
Bagym Maksatovna Mukhitdenova
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Amid modern socio-cultural situation the core of traditional culture for most of the nations is their immaterial part, and primarily, folk song traditions, which is of key importance in conditions of aggressive pressing from mass culture. It is in demand not only from the perspective of adaptation mechanism, but also from the standpoint of creative potential as a factor of stable development in conditions of social modernization. In recent years many nations are manifesting a tendency for national and cultural revival. It’s necessary to get closer to own origins. And the origins constitute the history, culture and spirituality of the nation. This article describes the process of formation of Kazakh variety art in the 30-ies of ХХ century, its development in the period of the Khrushchev thaw (60-70-ies) and later in the years of independence (the end of ХХ – beginning of ХХI century), is the first analysis of the methods of overcoming ideological taboos of the socialist society in former republic of the USSR, the extension of the living space of the traditional music on the stage, obtaining new forms of existence.  This was possible due to the transition to an open democratic society, expansion of cultural horizons and the availability of international experience.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 9, 2016, 3203-3219

Publication date: 01 Nov 2016

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