The Use of Mathcad in the Achievement of Education Students in Teaching College Algebra in a University
Jonathan O. Etcuban 1 * , Bell S. Campanilla 2, Al D. Horteza 1
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1 Cebu Technological University, Cebu City, PHILIPPINES2 University of Cebu, Cebu City, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author


The utilization of mathematical software offers numerous points of interest to students, which are fundamentals in the teaching-learning process in the four corners of the classroom. The study determined the effects of Mathcad as an instructional and a computational tool in teaching College Algebra to the Education students in the University of Cebu, Philippines. The study utilized a quasi-experimental using a pretest and posttest design method to 58 Education students. They are grouped by means of their final grades in high school mathematics. The study used standardized instruments such as Aiken and Dreger Revised College Algebra Attitude Scale, and Test in College Algebra by John Tobey and Jeffrey Slater. The gathered data were statistically treated using frequency, simple percentage, weighted mean, and z-test. The study revealed that the attitude towards College Algebra does not significantly affect the post-test scores of understudies in the control and test gatherings. It is inferred that instructing with the guide of media innovation isn’t constantly feasible in upgrading understudies’ learning in Mathematics. The researchers recommend that faculty handling mathematics should incorporate the use of mathematical software such as Mathcad in their course syllabi and the actual teaching practice.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2019, 341-351

Publication date: 17 Feb 2019

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