This article aims to use the potential of the social and educational nature of the "Family Pedagogy" course on the formation of the students' family values and the experimental study of their effectiveness. Leading forms and methods in the study of this problem are the observation, interviews, questionnaires, psychological tests and pedagogical experiment that allows to verify the effectiveness of the proposed content, forms and methods of family values formation among students. The article deals with the timeliness and importance of the problem of family values formation among the students; the potential of the "Family Pedagogy" discipline; the current state of the problem in the psychological and educational literature; particular components of family values, the basic stages of its formation among students; theoretical and experimental study of the family values formation among the students in the framework of "Family Pedagogy" discipline, proves the effectiveness of the developed program for the family values formation. The paper experimentally proved the need to develop and test a variety of forms and methods for the family values formation among the students with the use of social and educational potential of the "Family Pedagogy" course.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 809-817
Publication date: 19 Jul 2016
Article Views: 2785
Article Downloads: 3922
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