Development of Emotional Sphere of Preschool Children
Gulnara F. Biktagirova, Ramilya Sh. Kasimova
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This article focuses on creating of a comprehensive program for the development of emotional sphere of preschool children and experimental study of its effectiveness. Leading methods in the study of the discussed problem are observation, interviews, questionnaires, evaluating the experience of pedagogical activity, psychological testing and pedagogical experiment that allow to verify effectiveness of the proposed program. The article discusses the role of preschool educational institutions in the development of emotional sphere of preschool children; it also defines forms and methods for facilitating the expansion of the range of conscious emotions and development of child's emotional well-being (exercises, games, discussions, staging, theatrical story, training, therapeutic activities, etc.); criteria and levels of emotional sphere of children.  Effectiveness of the integrated program is examined and proved. The article is of interest to the organization of methodological and empirical provision of this process in a system of preschool education.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 799-807

Publication date: 19 Jul 2016

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