Teaching Resource for the Teaching of Geometry: Circular Trigonometric Geoplane
Derling José Mendoza Velazco 1 * , Yoandry Rivero Padrón 1
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1 Universidad Tecnológica Israel, ECUADOR* Corresponding Author


The difficulty in the process of trigonometry teaching, served as a stimulus for the present research, in which the objective consisted of designing and proposing the use of a Trigonometric Cicular Geoplane for the construction of meaningful learning in the area of Mathematics at Israel Technological University. For Its development, a field research, descriptive type, and a special project modality was conducted. As key informants, the participation of twenty (20) students and three (3) teachers that work in distinct levels of the institution described above. In order to gather information, observations and interviews were used, and the instrument of an observation and interview guides were submitted to a valid process. For the purpose of reliability, it was implemented through a standardization of registers and categories, then the findings were analyzed based on a cultivated and descriptive analysis in order to elaborate the conclusions in search of the proposed objectives about the design and use of the teaching tool that contributes in a positive manner to the teaching and learning of Geometry, in the same manner, the motivation and receptivity to use of Geoplane were used, in response to permit the development of innovated methodologies that show a change of andragogy practice, as it is, to teach learning skills that last a lifetime.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2019, 3-13


Publication date: 06 Nov 2018

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