This paper exemplifies the potential of GeoGebra as didactic resource for teaching Mathematics not only in High School but even in University. To be more precise, our main goal consists in putting forward the usefulness of GeoGebra as working tool so that our students manipulate several numerical (both recursive and iterative) methods to solve nonlinear equations. In this sense, we show how Interactive Geometry Software makes possible to deal with these methods by means of their geometrical interpretation and to visualize their behavior and procedure. In our opinion, visualization is absolutely essential for first-year students in the University, since they must change their perception about Mathematics and start considering a completely formal and argued way to work the notions, methods and problems explained and stated. Concerning these issues, we present some applets developed using GeoGebra to explain and work with numerical methods for nonlinear equations. Moreover, we indicate how these applets are applied to our teaching. In fact, the methods selected to be dealt with this paper are those with important geometric interpretations, namely: the bisection method, the secant method, the regula-falsi (or false-position) method and the tangent (or Newton-Raphson) method, this last as example of fixed-point methods.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 10, Issue 2, May 2015, 53-65
Publication date: 01 Aug 2015
Article Views: 4275
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