Studying the Practice of Performance Assessment and Rating System Implementation in Higher Institutions
Victoria B. Frolova, Olga A. Kalugina, Larisa S. Artamonova, Alexander I. Boykov
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This paper investigates the results of studying the practice of performance assessment and rating system implementation in higher institutions. The key methods of the study are conversations, observations, system analysis, synthesis, generalization which allow us to evaluate the peculiarities of the rating system components which depend on the particular characteristics of the higher institutions, discipline, year of study and students’ academic performance. The article considers the role of the organization and the basis of the rating system in the educational process; the appropriate proportion of scores’ distribution for formative and summative assessment is presented; characteristics of students of the university are identified. We find robust evidence that differentiation and ranking of students’ works including their evaluation, taking into account the form and the year of study, in order to achieve students’ involvement in the work and objective assessment of the outcomes are necessary. The results of the research, conclusions and recommendations are targeted at improvement and development of performance assessment and rating system in higher institutions.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1185-1193

Publication date: 02 Aug 2016

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