This paper investigates some issues of students' training at the university. The key methods of the study are conversations, observations and an experiment which allow to verify the results. The active learning methods, the appropriateness of using them for distance learning and the problems arising from such methods are considered. We find robust evidence that the modern teaching methods for distance learning students is inefficient and we suggest that a special role in working with the modern computer-assissted learning software should be given to the teacher whose function is to monitor the implementation of tasks, the learning process, time and quality performance of tasks. Furthermore, within this e-learning platform the teacher has the ability to communicate with students by emails. One of the important advantages is that the teacher can choose the training program for students according to the curriculum and specialization of the course and use the tools that will best contribute to the achievement of learning objectives.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1175-1184
Publication date: 02 Aug 2016
Article Views: 6771
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