Some Social Foundations of Modern Higher Education Development Issues
Aydar T. Kayumov, Ekaterina V. Mokeyeva
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The topicality of the research presented in the article is determined by the fact of educational area, on the whole, and higher education, in particular, aiming at the main factor of social progress – human resource evolution, the latter being direct investment in a man. The purpose of the article is to reveal some key social problems higher education development faces nowadays. Lead method of the study is socio-phylosophical analysis, aimed at revealing key questions and contradictions in the system of higher education development, and in higher technical education, in particular. These questions analysis let the researchers point out and reveal acute contradictions between the aspirations of society, on the one hand, and actual results of higher education system functioning, on the other hand. To settle the argument one needs to modify the system of higher education graduates training, including higher technical institution.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1817-1825

Publication date: 31 Aug 2016

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