The relevance of the study of students’ motivations for engaging in systematic physical activity is conditioned by recession of student’s physical activity and health deterioration. Formation of demands in systematic physical activity is the overriding priority in the field of non-professional sports education in higher school. This article considers the possibilities of usage the diagnostic testing of the student’s physical condition along with a specially designed educational content as a motive for the sports activity. A modern theory of activity serves as a concept, which defines a leading role in the student’s motivation for physical activity. Methods of quantitative determination of the level of health and practical realization of health problems by means of physical culture are used in the research. The research allowed us to identify the causes of the lack of student’s physical activity, to analyze the subjective self-evaluation of their health and physical fitness. The research also allowed us to evaluate the effectiveness of approach to the extramural students’ physical education in higher school with the leading role of motivation of sports activity. This article will be useful for professionals working with students of extramural or distance mode of study in the field of non-professional physical education.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1827-1836
Publication date: 31 Aug 2016
Article Views: 2777
Article Downloads: 2101
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