Probability signifies a mainstream strand in mathematics curricula. Nonetheless, many curricular documents prepared for teachers might not offer enough support. In such a situation, a further reflection on teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability is demanded; especially, from the perspective of probabilistic reasoning (PoPR) that is consistent with the need to pave the way for theories about mathematics education and cognitive psychology to consolidate achievements from each other. Accordingly, this study aims at conceptualizing mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability from the PoPR. The initial step towards this conceptualization started by inferring the fundamental entities of teachers’ professionalism through utilizing the mathematical knowledge for teaching model. Following this, three significant propositions were acknowledged. As a result, a conceptual framework was proposed, and a practical example was described. Such a description symbolizes a transition from emphasizing content knowledge towards highlighting teachers’ process knowledge, which may impact the development of probability education research.
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INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 17, Issue 3, August 2022, Article No: em0695
Publication date: 05 Jun 2022
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How to cite this article
Elbehary, S. G. A. (2022). Rethinking mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability from the perspective of probabilistic reasoning: A proposed framework. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 17(3), em0695. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12145
Elbehary SGA. Rethinking mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability from the perspective of probabilistic reasoning: A proposed framework. INT ELECT J MATH ED. 2022;17(3):em0695. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12145
Elbehary SGA. Rethinking mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability from the perspective of probabilistic reasoning: A proposed framework. INT ELECT J MATH ED. 2022;17(3), em0695. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12145
Elbehary, Samah Gamal Ahmed. "Rethinking mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability from the perspective of probabilistic reasoning: A proposed framework". International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 2022 17 no. 3 (2022): em0695. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12145
Elbehary, S. G. A. (2022). Rethinking mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability from the perspective of probabilistic reasoning: A proposed framework. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 17(3), em0695. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12145
Elbehary, Samah Gamal Ahmed "Rethinking mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching probability from the perspective of probabilistic reasoning: A proposed framework". International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, vol. 17, no. 3, 2022, em0695. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12145