Psycho-Pedagogical Conditions of Professional Culture Development of a University Professor
Marina B. Kozhanova, Natalia V. Svechnikova, Guliya N. Akhmetzyanova, Elena N. Kondrashova, Natalia L. Maksimova, Zhanna A. Zakharova
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The relevance of the study is conditioned by the increase of culture-forming role of university education and the increasing society demands to the professional culture of the university teacher.  The purpose of the paper is to identify psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of university teacher’s professional culture. The leading approach to the study is the axiological approach allowing us to consider the professional culture of the teacher as a set of scientific and pedagogical values that lead to ways of subject-subject interaction, aimed at self-improvement and increase of efficiency of scientific and pedagogical activity. The study involves 600 teachers who have identified the function of professional culture of the university teacher. The main results of the study are to identify the psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of professional culture of the university teacher (self-diagnosis and self-analysis of scientific and educational activities, the development of reflexive abilities, scientific and pedagogical cooperation with colleagues). The significance of the results obtained is that the implementation of psycho-pedagogical conditions provides the development of teachers’ abilities for pedagogical thinking, facilitation, reflection, generates skills of teaching improvisation, goal-setting in teaching activities.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2017, 15-23

Publication date: 21 Dec 2016

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