Professional and Creative Formation of the Federal University Teacher
Svetlana Yu. Zalutskaya, Svetlana V. Panina, Tatiana A. Makarenko, Nadezhda I. Nikonova
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The relevance of this article is related to the study of problems of professional and creative self-development of high school teachers as one of the major segments of their professional competence. Objective is to develop the conditions, stages and methods of forming the university teacher’s readiness for their independent professionally oriented creative self-development in conditions of university education environment. The main methods are the overview of the theoretical positions of foreign and Russian researchers concerning the professional activity of the teacher; best practice of educational process organization in the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU); survey among teachers regarding the innovative mobility and creative approach to high school education; NEFU students and postgraduate students questioning. The authors have determined the main professional-significant qualities and personal characteristics of university teachers, as well as weaknesses hampering the teacher’s professional development as a self-developing creative personality. The materials have a practical value for beginning and experienced teachers of modern high school focused on continuous process of professional and creative self-development.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1215-1229

Publication date: 02 Aug 2016

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