Regular and Mach (irregular) reflection of oblique shock from the wall is discussed. The criteria for the transition from regular to irregular reflection: von Neumann criterion and the criterion of fixed Mach configuration are described. The dependences of specific incident shocks’ intensities corresponding to the two criteria for the transition from regular to irregular reflection are plotted. The article demonstrates ambiguity region in which both regular and Mach reflection are not prohibited by conditions of dynamic compatibility. The areas in which the transition from one reflection type to another is only possible via shock, as well as areas of possible a smooth transition are described. The dependences of magnitude of this shock change in reflected discontinuity’s intensity on the intensity of the incident shock are plotted. The article also provides dependences of reflected discontinuity’s intensity on the intensity of incident shock falling on the wall for all types of reflections.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1205-1214
Publication date: 02 Aug 2016
Article Views: 3713
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