Preventive Pedagogy: Methods of Research University Students’ Readiness Formation for a Healthy Lifestyle
Ludmila Yu. Grudtsina, Anna V. Filippova, Elena V. Makarova, Diana L. Kondratyuk, Vladimir E. Usanov, Sergey V. Molchanov
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The relevance of the study is conditioned by the adverse dynamics of students’ health. Health is a resource, social capital necessary for a person to adapt to new socio-economic conditions. The purpose of the paper is to identify methods of research university students’ readiness formation for a healthy lifestyle. The leading approach to the study is an integrative approach allowing considering a healthy lifestyle as a complex multidimensional phenomenon, which combines a variety of qualitatively different components and reflects the fundamental aspects of human existence. The study involves 500 teachers, 500 students who have defined the criteria for readiness for a healthy lifestyle among students (awareness of health’s priority, possession of abilities and skills of preservation and accumulation of their own health, physical development, understanding the need for a healthy lifestyle, respect for the preservation of others’ health). Key findings are scientific justification for preventive pedagogy as the basis to form readiness for a healthy lifestyle; identification of cognitive and informative, health and fitness, preventive and prophylactic methods of research university students’ readiness formation for a healthy lifestyle.  The significance of the results obtained is that preventive pedagogic function is scientifically justified which prevents the possibility of pedagogical deviations and finds resources to address them.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2017, 51-58

Publication date: 21 Dec 2016

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