PME Learning Model : The Conceptual Theoretical Study Of Metacognition Learning In Mathematics Problem Solving Based On Constructivism
Ihdi Amin, Scolastika Mariani
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Learning mathematics until today still left a lot of records that had to be improved, including passive learning, low ability of learners in problem-solving activities, the rarity of authentic assessment, emphasizing only on cognition, and others. This was a study of the literatures concerning the teaching of metacognition in mathematical problem solving. The PME learning model was a modified theory of Darling-Hammond (2003), which was a theoretical-conceptual product that offered the strategies to improve the ability of metacognition in problem solving. This metacognition strategies implemented through metacognitive activities, ie : planning, monitoring, and evaluating (PME). On PME learning model: (1) the activity planning, monitoring, evaluating explicitly raised in the core activities of learning and mathematical problem-solving activities; (2) the learning process recommended using social constructivist teaching in small groups; (3) placing the role and duties of teachers as counselors, classroom manager, motivator, facilitator, and evaluator; (4) The support system for the effectiveness of PME learning model were: Lesson Plan (LP) and Worksheet for students (WS); and (5) the direct effect was expected increasing of the metacognition ability, and the nurturant effect was expected  to increase in problem solving performance.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 3, October 2017, 333-352

Publication date: 18 Jun 2017

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