The mathematical ability of Indonesian students is still very low compared to other countries. One alternative to overcome the problem is by creating learning instructional that allows students to learn well. Most of learning instructional developed today do not accommodate the student learning styles especially in schools that have classified students based on multiple intelligences. The dominant intelligences in the classroom are intrapersonal and interpersonal. The purpose of this research is to produce a mathematics learning instructional based on Discovery Learning approach that are valid, practical, and effective for junior high school students with intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence. These instructional are developed using a development model adapted from the Plomp model. The development process of these instructional consists of 3 phases: front-end analysis/preliminary research, development/prototype phase and assessment phase. From the preliminary research results, we obtain that the intrapersonal student learning outcomes are not different from interpersonal. Teachers and students desperately need learning instructional with simple language and can guide students to understand the subject matter.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 13, Issue 3, October 2018, 97-101
Publication date: 22 Jun 2018
Article Views: 6401
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