Level of financial education in higher education scenarios: An empirical study on students of economic-administrative area
Arturo García-Santillán, Elena Moreno-García, Lizette Gutiérrez-Delgado
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This study aims to measure the level of financial literacy of young people who have received formal instruction on the matter. A survey was administered to 115 college students in the last semester of the degrees of the administrative area of the Universidad Cristóbal Colón at Veracruz, Mexico. In bachelors of this area, students take at least three courses of finance, accounting, economics and management. Financial literacy was measured according to the methodology employed by Condusef, Banamex-UNAM, and FINRA to evaluate the knowledge of young people regarding interest rate, inflation, savings, use of credit card, and budgeting. The results show that students have the knowledge and the habit of drawing up budgets to plan their expenses, but their level of financial knowledge is very low considering the rest of the variables that are evaluated.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 3149-3159

Publication date: 19 Sep 2016

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