Gender Differences in Mathematics Performance in Trinidad and Tobago: Examining ‎Affective Factors
Launcelot I. Brown, Gibbs Y. Kanyongo
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This study investigates gender differences in performance on the mathematics component on the Standard 3 National Assessment in Trinidad and Tobago. Of interest is whether there is a relationship between attitudinal differences regarding mathematics and student beliefs in their mathematical abilities and student gender classification. Results indicate that whereas girls performed better than boys on all categories and all skill areas on the test, the effect sizes were small. The results of a MANOVA with follow-up descriptive discriminant analysis also indicate that while boys and girls did not differ with regard to the perception of the school environment, educational values and goals, and general academic self-concept, they differ significantly on the persistence and mathematics self-concept factors. Girls tend to persist more, but hold lower mathematics self-concept than boys.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 5, Issue 3, October 2010, 113-130

Publication date: 12 Dec 2010

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