Experience of Modeling Skill of Memorizing Short Stories as a Part of the Development of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques
Marina M. Dudina, Ferdinand T. Khamatnurov, Olga V. Trubetskaya
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The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the interest of researchers to study the intellectual structures, namely the simulation of human mental activity, in particular, to the peculiarities of storing various content information. The purpose of the article is the realization of models, technologies memorization of short stories ("jokes"), based on a play on words, meaning unexpected resolutions, modern associations, etc. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the modeling procedure developed as a part of neuro-linguistic programming, which allows to identify and systematically describe the technology of storing short stories, and a method to the study of this problem was the experiment on memorization and reproduction of short stories based on simulated mental skills to identify the psychological characteristics this skill. The article presents the stages of development and testing of models, as well as the very model of storing short stories. Materials of the article may be useful for researchers who study memory processes, for teachers interested in learning more efficient memory technologies, as well as for a wide range of readers who want to learn the skill of memorization of short stories.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 2914-2924

Publication date: 06 Sep 2016

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